> I just wanted to mention this for further reference: When I reviewed
> this, I found that the underline makes the text less easily readable
> (unfortunately!). I did a quick search and there seem to be a lot of
> resources confirming this:
> -
> https://www.uxbooth.com/articles/is-the-underlined-link-hurting-readability/
> - Actual research from Hamburg university:
> https://vsis-www.informatik.uni-hamburg.de/getDoc.php/publications/119/www2003.pdf
> "Underlined links seem to substantially decrease the reading performance
> on Web pages". (The research only talks about links, but Google even
> removed underlines, in favor of underlining links only on mouseover).
Thanks a lot for the links! I had no idea there was some research done
on this. I haven't read them nor thought through it really but I might
answer in more details at some point :)
> In the end, sajolida removed the underline altogether. We can search for
> other ways of emphasizing sentences in the future.
Yeah... Forget about it for now. My secret plan is to be able to do some
super DIY A/B testing on some of these things in the future, but it's
not part of my priorities for the near future.