Now adding the attachments that are also relevant to Eileen's answer :)
> Hi!
Hi! Thanks for taking time to share your feedback in the middle of your
pretty intense week :)
> On 10.05.19 13:10, sajolida wrote:
>> From our usability tests back in 2015, learning how to use the boot menu
>> key was a major pain point for new users.
>> Here is the first complete version of it:
>> It's lagging quite a lot in my Tor Browser, so you'd better download
>> before viewing it.
>> Please comment :)
> I like it! I like that we do not need language or words to explain such
> a complex thing, well done!
:) I really wanted to avoid having to translate it every time (and it's
only a visual support to our written instructions).
> There are however some little details that I would like to comment on:
> - Is it on purpose that the laptop looks like an Apple computer but
> behaves like a Windows computer (switching it off in the left bottom
> corner)? I find this confusing for users of Apple Computers. How will
> they understand this animation? Are they also targeted by it?
> It could be changed by simply making the edges of the computer much
> less rounded, and by considering to change the animation once the
> power off button was pressed (this animation is very Windowsy).
The animation will only appear on installation scenarios for PC.
The boot procedure for Apple computers is completely different and, I
think, don't require an animation that much:
I also wondered why the laptop looks like an Apple computer but couldn't
really find out why. You said the animation is very Windowsy so I think
we're good here but I'm not sure to understand your proposal regarding
the corners: square corners would look more like a PC, right?
> - I think that many Windows computers do not switch themselves off but
> instead go into some sort of hibernation. So they actually do not
> reboot but just wake up from hibernation. Then, one cannot use the
> boot menu key. How do you address this issue? → I guess it could be
> addressed in the written documentation.
Yeah, that's a pain. I guess the only way would be to document this
better in the written documentation that goes with the animation.
> - The part with the smartphone is unfortunately not clear.
> - It's unclear what the person is looking up (I guess doing a search
> for their computer model + boot menu key) → maybe you can add a
> search sequence before the lookup sequence (that the video contains
> now) that will make this process a bit more clear.
The animation will go together with the table in attachment so people
will have more context. I don't understand what you mean by "search
sequence" in addition to the "lookup sequence". Can you elaborate?
See also the alternative drawing I propose to the designer, in attachment.
> - The moment in second 18 when the red key suddenly is transformed
> into the "power on" key was confusing at first. It could be clearer
> if there was actually a movement within the looking glass bubble to
> the right, then back to the left. So that it becomes clear that the
> red key is not equivalent with the power on key.
Yes. I also felt that and I'm very happy that you are reporting it as
well. I like your proposal and I already meant to suggest that each
magnifying bubble should be better linked to they element that is being
magnified. For example, I found the shutdown magnifier from the
beginning to be too far from the pointer on the screen.
> - The shadow of the background could maybe start a bit more at the
> vertical center of the screen, so that it looks less like the computer
> is flying.
I don't understand what you are referring to. The shadow background of
what? the computer? the magnifying bubble?
> - At the beginning we see the Tails website / installation assistant on
> the computer screen with a white underline. I would delete this white
> line. It does not really make sense.