著者: Chre 日付: To: tails-l10n@boum.org 題目: Re: [Tails-l10n] (review)[fr] wiki/src/home.fr.po
xin: > Chre:
>> Hi all,
>> Please review wiki/src/home.fr.po
>> Repo: https://git-tails.immerda.ch/chre/tails/ >> Branch: translate/home.fr
>> Commit: 2ca24a8f29bd9aefe549c6033abdd2d8e9ee5715
> Hello, why do you remove the <span
> class="twolines"> tag in the Tor check button? The button looks better
> with one line of text instead of two.
Ouch! It is only because it didn't exit in english source file.
We can put it again if better for french sentence.