Re: [Tails-dev] default package suggestion


著者: intrigeri
To: Matt Gensler, tails-dev
題目: Re: [Tails-dev] default package suggestion
Hi Matt,

Matt Gensler:
> I am writing to recommend that the package gnome-tweak-tool be installed by
> default in the Tails operating system. It includes some useful system
> settings that not available in the standard system settings GUI. For me
> personally, I really like the fact that it allows me to turn off the
> suspend when lid is closed action that is the default for laptops.

FTR here's the ticket where we decided to remove gnome-tweak-tool
3 years ago:

Let's keep in mind that GNOME Tweaks is a GUI frontend for gsettings.
Any setting one can change in GNOME Tweaks can also be set on the
command line with gsettings. I suspect that the vast majority of Tails
users who care so much about one of these settings, that they really
want to change it from the default, are in one of these categories:

- Either they're technical enough to do it on the command line.

- Or they don't mind adding gnome-tweak-tool to their Additional
Software (which is nicely integrated in the UX of installing
a package nowadays).

And I suspect that the vast majority of our users would not use GNOME
Tweaks anyway. So at this point, I see no strong reason to re-add
GNOME Tweaks.

> Thanks for your continuing work on Tails!

Thanks for your feedback!
