Autor: philalethes Data: 2019-01-12 00:37 -000 A: tails-testers Assumpte: [Tails-testers] USB image test --FAIL
I have a laptop Lenovo I’ve used for some years now to run Tails. I always boot off of 1 of 3 8 gig drives made by Patriot XT. OS is Windows 7 Pro. I have successfully upgraded many times thru TAILS.
TEST: I downloaded the new TAILS USB image file to another machine a desktop AMD Triple Core running Win 10.
Ran Etcher and installed image to Patriot drive. When I booted the Lenovo from the thumb drive it got past the boot screen to flashing prompt. Once that went dark I never saw the next loading step of the three flashing dots. Fail #1
Went back to the Desktop AMD and redid the image to another thumb drive by Kingston Data Traveler which I use all the time to move data from Windoze machine to TAILS. Booted this from Lenovo: FAIL as above.
Another recent FAIL I ran into was trying to update to 3.11. I got the same problem as above... goes to prompt... then no flashing dots. Just stalls.
I upgraded from 3.8 to 3.10.1, then tried to go to 3.11. I tried upgrading from .iso image on a 2nd flash drive, and also tried it through TAILS.