著者: Chre 日付: To: tails-l10n 題目: Re: [Tails-l10n] [fr] How to translate "Addtional software" and
"Unlock VeraCrypt Volumes"?
Le 14/10/2018 à 12:36, Chre a écrit : > Hi all,
> Le 11/10/2018 à 10:42, intrigeri a écrit :
>> emma peel:
>>> The "Additional Software" and the "Unlock VeraCrypt Volumes" features are translated as part of the Tails - Misc resource in Transifex:
>>> https://www.transifex.com/otf/torproject/tails-misc/ >>
>> FYI we don't import French translations from Transifex as the French
>> translation team uses Git for this sort of things.
>> (Technical details: ./import-translations has EXCLUDE_LANGS='fr')
>> Cheers,
> Right, then, how can we translate these softwares? Some repo?
> Thanks.
Arf, I missing that
> I could feed a .po in Transifex if you don't want to join, but only after somebody else's review as I don't speak French.