Re: [Tails-l10n] urgent and quick: Translations for the dona…


著者: sajolida
To: Tails localization discussion
題目: Re: [Tails-l10n] urgent and quick: Translations for the donation campaign
Hi sycamoreone,

Nice to see you again around here.

When we did stats on PayPal donations yesterday Germany was #2 behind
the US so German translation is super important here I think.

>> « Today, we are asking you to help Tails. You downloaded Tails for
>> free because we believe that nobody should have to pay to be safe
>> while using computers. And we want to keep it this way. If
>> everyone reading this donated $6, our fundraiser would be done by the
>> end of the day. The price of a USB stick is all we need. »
> Heute bitten wir dich darum Tails zu unterstützen. Du kannst Tails
> umsonst herunterladen, weil wir glauben, dass niemand dafür bezahlen
> sollte, um Computer sicher benutzen zu können. Und wir möchten, dass
> das so bleibt. Wenn alle, die das hier lesen, $6 spenden, wäre unsere
> Spendenkampagne am Ende des Tages schon beendet. Der Preis von einem
> USB-Stick ist bereits alles was wir brauchen.

We changed a bit the English phrasing since them and we're now saying
"our fundraiser would be done in one day" instead of "by the end of the
day". I changed this in German to:

"wäre unsere Spendenkampagne an einem Tag schon beendet."

Tell me if I messed up!

> I can't currently build the wiki locally or push the diff. Attached is a
> diff to, that maybe one of the other Germans could proof
> read and push.

I applied all that, thanks!

> Disclaimer: The diff consistently tries to use "du" instead of "Sie". I
> there was a conscious decision to do this the other way round, I can
> change that. To me, it feels much more personal if the call uses "du".

I'll let other German translators suggests changes if they want because
consistency of tone can be important. I still applied all your changes
because I thought it was better to have something for a start.
