[Tails-testers] Call for testing: VeraCrypt support in Tails


著者: sajolida
To: Tails list for early testers
題目: [Tails-testers] Call for testing: VeraCrypt support in Tails
You can help Tails! The beta version for the VeraCrypt support in Tails
[0] is ready for testing. We are very excited.

[0]: https://tails.boum.org/blueprint/veracrypt/

What's new in the Beta?

We worked to integrate VeraCrypt support into the existing GNOME
workflow for unlocking encrypted volumes. As a result, most of the
features already provided for LUKS volumes are now also provided for
VeraCrypt volumes. This includes unlocking volumes via the GNOME Disks
application and integration into the places sidebar in GNOME Files. If
your file containers have the ".hc" file extension, they will be
recognized as VeraCrypt volumes and can be easily unlocked in GNOME Files.

Additionally, we created a small application, VeraCrypt Mounter, which
makes it easier to unlock VeraCrypt volumes, especially file containers
that do not have the ".hc" extension.

How to test the Beta?

Download and install the ISO image on a USB stick or DVD, start it and
try to unlock your existing VeraCrypt volumes.

We are interested in your feedback on bugs and usability of this feature.

    Are there any steps that are not clear?
    Did you run into technical issues?

Please send feedback emails to tails-testers@???.

Get the Beta


There is no signature available for this test ISO image.

Known issues

We've identified a list of known issues [1] among which:

- Trying to unlock via the places sidebar using an incorrect password
or keyfile results in a not very helpful error message [2]
- Unlocking via the places sidebar doesn't provide any feedback [3]
- No integration in the places sidebar of the file chooser dialog of
some applications (including Tor Browser) [4]

[1]: https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/14480
[2]: https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/15663
[3]: https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/15664
[4]: https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/15667
