著者: u 日付: To: tails-dev, tails-l10n, Tails user experience & user interface design, Public mailing list about the Tails project 古いトピック: [Tails-ux] Tails contributors meeting: Sunday June 03 題目: [Tails-ux] Errata Wednesday June 06 Re: Tails contributors meeting:
Sunday June 03
Note that as the 3rd is a Sunday, the meeting is rescheduled to
Wednesday 06 June, same time same place.
sajolida: > The next Tails contributors meeting is scheduled for:
> Sunday 03 June
> tails-dev on conference.riseup.net (XMPP)
> 7 pm in Paris
> 6 pm in London
> 1 pm in New-York
> 10 am in San Francisco
> Everyone interested in contributing to Tails is welcome!
> If you want to propose a discussion:
> - Make sure that it corresponds to a Redmine ticket with:
> - *Discuss* as its *Type of Work*
> - You as its *Assignee*
> - Detailed enough information on the ticket
> If you want to get involved but don't know yet how, please introduce
> yourself during the meeting, and be sure to tell us what you are
> interested in.
> The meeting might not be the most adequate time and place to properly
> introduce newcomers to the development process, but at least it should
> be a fine place to know each other, and schedule a better
> suited event.
> We need two volunteers each month to facilitate and take notes. Please
> add your name for each role on the blueprint.