[Tails-l10n] (pull)[es-weblate] updates from weblate

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Autor: emma peel
Data: 2018-05-23 10:30 -000
Dla: Tails-l10n
Temat: [Tails-l10n] (pull)[es-weblate] updates from weblate
ey there:

please merge this branch with one commit 88b0df62a1 harvested from weblate.

the commit pass the tests of check_po.sh and build the wiki OK.

repo: git.tails.boum.org:emmapeel/tails
branch: es_weblate_update

88b0df62a1 spanish translation updates several files, small changes

 wiki/src/doc/encryption_and_privacy/virtual_keyboard.es.po                 |   6 ++--
 wiki/src/doc/first_steps/introduction_to_gnome_and_the_tails_desktop.es.po |  12 ++++----
 wiki/src/doc/first_steps/persistence/check_file_system.es.po               |  15 ++++++++--
 wiki/src/install/debian/usb.es.po                                          |  14 +++------
 wiki/src/install/mac/usb-overview.es.po                                    |  23 ++++-----------
 wiki/src/install/mac/usb.es.po                                             | 105 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------------------
 wiki/src/news/additional_software_ux_design.es.po                          |   4 +--
 wiki/src/news/version_3.7.es.po                                            |   7 ++---
 wiki/src/security/Numerous_security_holes_in_3.6.es.po                     |  13 +++++++--

9 files changed, 90 insertions(+), 109 deletions(-)