[Tails-l10n] Does the German translation team want gender ne…


著者: milly
To: Tails localization discussion
題目: [Tails-l10n] Does the German translation team want gender neutral language?

there is a ticket (#10181) open since ~2.5 years and there did not
happen really much so far (and there's apparently no consensus wrt. this
topic so far). I've edited the blueprint in the last days and would like
to ask if the German translation team would like to implement gender
neutral, aka. non-discriminatory, language. This is only about the *if*
and not the *how*.

I've gathered some notes ("Why do we want gender neutral language?",
[0]) why gender-neutral language is important (at least for the German
language, maybe other l10n teams want to implement something similar?)
and hereby request thoughts, comments, additions, criticism, etc
(comments by non l10n-members are welcome, too!). Maybe someone knows a
similar or upstream FOSS project which is already implementing gender
neutral language (I don't know of any, at least so far)?

I think it'd be nice to have a consensus wrt. this topic before the web
platform for translations will be finished and new translators start
coming in.


[0] https://tails.boum.org/blueprint/non-discriminatory_language/
