[IndyPt] We invite everyone for a week of (de)construction a…

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Autor: À da Maxada
Data: 2018-05-01 08:49 -000
Dla: riosparaocarmo
Temat: [IndyPt] We invite everyone for a week of (de)construction a la Maxada!

[English below]

Convidamos todxs para uma semana de (des)construção á Maxadada! Para melhorar o espaço precisamos de dar uns toques nas vedaçoẽs, esgoto, telhados, forno e horta. E também estamxs abertxs a propostas para construir coisas novas - será forno solar, casa na árvore, filtro para as águas residuais ou algo diferente?

Sempre precisamos de mais materiais de construção: tijolos, cimento, barrotes, parafusos, buchas, dobradiças, fechaduras, tintas, lonas, pincéis, rolos, materiais de isolamento, arame farpado, redes etc. Da nossa parte podes contar com sítio para dormir, comida vegan e suminhos ))

Aparece e traz as tuas ideas, vontade e amigos!

*Para saber mais sobre "Trabalho" leia isto:
* Paul Lafargue - "O direito à Preguiça" (http://www.ebooksbrasil.org/adobeebook/direitopreguica.pdf?utm_source=mailinglist&utm_campaign=49210ee10b-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_05_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_5b5c36ead6-49210ee10b-224185693)
* Bob Black - "A Abolição do Trabalho" (http://www.ebooksbrasil.org/eLibris/abolicao.html?utm_source=mailinglist&utm_campaign=49210ee10b-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_05_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_5b5c36ead6-49210ee10b-224185693)


We invite everyone for a week of (de)construction a la Maxada! To improve the space we need to take care of the fence, sewage, roofs, oven and the garden. We are also open to proposals for building new stuff - will it be solar oven, tree house, a filter for wastewater or something else?

We always need cement, bricks, beams, screws, wallplugs, hinges, locks, paint, rolls, brushes, tarpaulins, isolation materials, barbed wire, nets etc. From our side you can count on a place to sleep, vegan food and juices ))

Come over and bring your ideas and friends!

*To learn more about "Work", read this:
* Paul Lafargue - "The Right To Be Lazy" (https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/paul-lafargue-the-right-to-be-lazy?utm_source=mailinglist&utm_campaign=49210ee10b-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_05_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_5b5c36ead6-49210ee10b-224185693)
* Bob Black - "The Abolition Of Work" (https://www.primitivism.com/abolition.htm?utm_source=mailinglist&utm_campaign=49210ee10b-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_05_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_5b5c36ead6-49210ee10b-224185693)

Á da Maxada - Setubal


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