Author: intrigeri Date: To: Tails localization discussion Subject: Re: [Tails-l10n] proposal: translate the Code of Conduct and the
Social Contract
emma peel: > I understand the rational beneath not needed to translate many things under the
> /contribute section of our website as unfortunately you need to speak English to
> contribute to Tails, but I wonder if we could make an exception with the texts of the
> Code of Conduct and the Social Contract? > I think you don't need to be a contributor to be interested on this texts. > For example if you are a journalist that is thinking on using Tails and does not
> speak English, you could be interested on them. Or if you are thinking on making
> a donation to Tails. > There is a translated version of the Social Contract in the /news section but it is not prominent anymore and is not translated to many languages. > What do you think about this?
Good question, thanks for asking it!
One additional aspect these texts is that their language and phrasing
were very carefully picked; a translation can hardly reflect exactly
what we meant.
Wrt. translating our CoC: I see much less benefit in it (compared to
the Social Contract) because its target audience is our contributors
community; and I see a bigger risk of misunderstanding.
Wrt. translating the Social Contract: I would see a big benefit in it
because its target audience includes our current and potential users.
And the risk of misunderstandings is lower.
So I would propose:
- we open the Social Contract to translations
- for the CoC, we stick to the status quo
Now, I could live with seeing the CoC translated if a note is added on
top of the page, to make it clear that the authoritative version is
the English one.