[Tails-l10n] [pt-br] small fixes for index page


著者: drebs
To: tails-l10n
題目: [Tails-l10n] [pt-br] small fixes for index page
Hi, this is a merge request for small fixes to the pt-br index page.
These are small changes because we wanted to test our workflow, thanks
for your patience.

The fixes have been reviewed \o/, the website has been succesfully
built, the changes were made on top of current master and this message
is signed. The instructions in the pt-br blueprint page have been
uptated to match these requirements.

One question: when committing, should we avoid "formatting" changes in
po files, like removals of comments or line width re-formattings?

If there's anything that can be improved, please let us know!



The following changes since commit 0e901e24762babae88bddcf610d04c701e3a8045:

Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' (2018-03-14 09:44:51 +0000)

are available in the git repository at:

https://0xacab.org/drebs/tails pt-br

for you to fetch changes up to 5b7904824f709a120fb400d725ec278b16829219:

Small fixes for pt-br translation of index page (2018-03-14 08:00:56 -0300)

Tails developers (1):
      Small fixes for pt-br translation of index page

wiki/src/index.pt.po | 26 +++++++++++---------------
1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)

B2B3 9790 4D39 F3B3 D4BA 511E A5E6 BCA6 29BA 4127