> Hi folks!
> I'm a contributor in the translation of tails doc.
> I'm going to the fosdem next week and I would ask:
> 1) if there will be a desk of tails there
> 1.1) if there will be a desk of tails there, can I propose to put on the
> desk also some copies of this 2 books?
> http://hacklabbo.indivia.net/book/sobtec1/it/
> https://www.gitbook.com/book/sobtec/sobtec2/details
> I asked to the Fosdem in October and they said us NO, because it's not
> enough related with the softwares.
> I'm also happy to help at the desk of tails. sure.
> And if is possible, could be nice put on the table also some copies of
> guide.boum.org
> if someone of you can bring them.
> thanks for your answers. I know I'm in late :(
> FOSDEM is the next weekend.
> see you there
> Ignifugo
This year we have a booth with Tor, Nos oignons and SecureDrop. Tails
peoples are welcome if you want to help (or just to meet).