> Localization Lab has made glossaries available on their website.
> For example:
> https://wiki.localizationlab.org/index.php/French_Localization_Lab_Unified_Glossary
Nice, there should be such a glossary indeed.
But there seem to be some weird translations:
For example, a "distribution" is translated as "version", which is
totally different and should be "distribution".
"Great Firewall of China" - translated once by "coupe feu" while it
should be "pare-feu" and later translated by "pare-feu"... seems
"Functionality" could be "fonctionnalité" et non "fonction".
"Beta" is written "Bêta" instead of "Béta".
"Hidden service" is not even translated.
I also believe that "Retwitter" is wrong and should become "Retweeter".
"Relai de Tor" -> "Relai Tor" seems more correct to me.
But maybe this was a certain french dialect translation such as
québécois.. (the translation of "popup" to "Fenêtre éclair" makes me
think this). Well French != French.