[I'm leaving this thread on tails-testers@ even though it's a little
bit off-topic, because we don't have a public support mailing list
where I could discuss this with Zalan anymore.]
Zalan Kircsak: > Ever since the previous update, Tails worked like a charm. Never had any difficulty
> with anything. Now after the update, the greeting screen (persistency) will not react
> to anything I do. Before this I used Bluetooth devices(keyb+mouse) , but never got
> a problem.
Thanks for your feedback!
I'm very surprised Bluetooth keyboard & mouse worked previously: we're
not shipping the software I thought was needed to make them work.
I must be missing something and this makes me curious. Could you
please send a report with WhisperBack from an older version of Tails,
where your Bluetooth keyboard & mouse did work? Please mention in your
report that it should be forwarded to me.
Now, we have no short-term plans to re-enable Bluetooth, so in order
to address your use case let's focus on what follows:
> Now even if I connect the wired keyboard and wired mouse, nothing
> moves the cursor, nor writes anything. I can not use the operating
> system anymore.
Wow, that's strange. How are these keyboard and mouse connected? USB?
Could you please try:
- another USB port (ideally, a USB 2.0 one)
- plugging the keyboard and mouse before starting the computer
- plugging the keyboard and mouse only once Tails Greeter appears on
the screen