著者: spriver 日付: To: Tails localization discussion 題目: Re: [Tails-l10n] (discuss)[de] Translation of "Tor Bridges"
intrigeri: > Hi,
> spriver:
>> Maybe my proposal should be also
>> adapted in the Tails Greeter once we decided something).
> Yes, please: it would feel weird if the terminology used our doc
> didn't match our UI.
Absolutely. We also have some other things to synchronize with the
Greeter, that's why I created #14954.
> Also, it would be nice to reach an agreement with whoever translates
> Tor stuff, e.g. the Tor Browser user manual, so Tails is nicely
> integrated into the broader Tor ecosystem, and our users don't need to
> re-learn terminology when they context-switch :)