[Intergas] Fwd: Brazilian Indians need you now more than eve…

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Tárgy: [Intergas] Fwd: Brazilian Indians need you now more than ever

-------- Messaggio Inoltrato --------
Oggetto:     Brazilian Indians need you now more than ever
Data:     Thu, 3 Aug 2017 11:24:00 +0000
Mittente:     Survival International <campaigns@???>
Rispondi-a:     Survival International <campaigns@???>
A:     sandra.cangemi@???

Brazilian Indians need you now more than ever
The lives of Brazil's tribal peoples are in the balance

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Dear friend,

We desperately need your help to lobby the judges of Brazil’s Supreme
Court. They are about to vote on one of the biggest threats to face
Brazilian Indians in a generation.

President Temer recentlyapproved a legal opinion
by the Attorney General’s Office, which says that indigenous peoples who
had already been pushed off their ancestral lands before Brazil’s
current constitution came into force in October 1988 will no longer have
the right to live on these lands.

*In doing so, he has, quite literally, placed the lives of thousands of
tribespeople in a deadly stranglehold.*

We cannot overstate the severity of this situation. If the opinion
becomes law, it will *set indigenous rights back decades.*


/"...there is violence, we all face it, attacks everywhere, attacks by
paramilitary, criminalization and racism."/
Eliseu Guarani Kaiowá's message to you explains how the very existence
of his tribe, and others, is threatened.

Brazil’s Supreme Court judges will vote on whether this opinion is legal
or not on 16 August: If they rule that it /is/, *it will spell
annihilation for many of Brazil’s first peoples.*

This ruling would unleash *a horrific humanitarian crisis* across the
country – indisputable evidence shows that the theft of tribal land
utterly destroys self-sufficient peoples and their diverse ways of life.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. Your recent energy and enthusiasm
persuaded Brazilian officials to act to protect the land of the Awá, and
to start the demarcation process of the Kawahiva's territory. *Your
emails /do/ make a difference, and with your help, we /can/ prevent the
genocide of Brazil’s tribal peoples. *

*Please send an email to the judges of Brazil’s Supreme Court urging
them to vote against this dangerous opinion.*

Send a pre-written email

If the button doesn't work for you, please write your own email using
the details below.
If you have time to adapt the text it'll make even more impact.

*To: *presidencia.stf@??? <mailto:presidencia.stf@stf.jus.br>;
gabmtoffoli@??? <mailto:gabmtoffoli@stf.jus.br>;
gabcob@??? <mailto:gabcob@stf.jus.br>; _marcoaurelio@???
<mailto:marcoaurelio@stf.jus.br>_; mgilmar@???
<mailto:mgilmar@stf.jus.br>; mrlewandowski@???
<mailto:mrlewandowski@stf.jus.br>; gabineteluizfux@???
<mailto:gabineteluizfux@stf.jus.br>; audienciasrw@???
<mailto:audienciasrw@stf.jus.br>; audienciamlrb@???
<mailto:audienciamlrb@stf.jus.br>; gabineteedsonfachin@???
<mailto:gabineteedsonfachin@stf.jus.br>; gabmoraes@???
*Cc: gabinetemj@???
Bcc: advocacy@??? (optional, but important for our
Subject: Your vote on the AGU opinion on indigenous rights*

Dear Ministers,

You are due to vote on the “marco temporal” opinion by the
Advocacia-Geral da União, which was adopted by President Temer on 19 July.

Your ruling will have a profound effect on the future of Brazil’s
indigenous peoples, especially on their land rights, which are crucial
to their well-being and survival as peoples.

I trust that you will vote against this legal opinion and, in doing
so, uphold the Indians’ original and prior right to their lands as
stipulated in the constitution.

Yours faithfully,





Since 1969 | Offices in London, Berlin, Madrid, Milan, Paris and San
Supporters in over 100 countries
A 501(c)(3) organization | Registered charity no. 267444

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