Re: [Hackmeeting] proposta di talk Venaus

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Auteur: rybes
À: hackmeeting
Sujet: Re: [Hackmeeting] proposta di talk Venaus
considerato che l'argomento Grillo polarizza in maniera forse eccessiva
in un periodo elettorale, considerato che il libro si chiama esattamente
Grillodrome, si può usare il sottotitolo solamente - dall'Italia
videocratica all'impero del clic - oppure desistere se è troppo spinoso

ci tengo a precisare che nel mio lavoro tratto male tanto grillo che
renzi e sinistra istituzionale

il titolo del talk in ogni caso potrebbe anche essere "emotional
sharing: propaganda e persuasione nella politica digitale"

Il 12/06/2017 21:23, rybes ha scritto:
> ciao a tutti, ho scritto un libro che tratta principalmente di M5S,
> cyberdemocrazia, dispositivi di propaganda e persuasione, teoria dei
> media, sociologia politica, usi sociali dell'informatica, ecc.
> Si chiama Grillodrome - dall'Italia videocratica all'impero del clic, è
> fortemente critico nei confronti del fenomeno e mi piacerebbe poterlo
> presentare. Mi basta una mezzora, mi accontento pure di 10 minuti, sarò
> presente tutti i giorni, tranne forse domenica. Non ho bisogno di roba
> tecnologica, farei un po' di introduzione per aprire poi il dibattito
> coi presenti.
> grazie, r.
> Il 12/06/2017 14:00, hackmeeting-request@??? ha scritto:
>> Invia le richieste di iscrizione alla lista Hackmeeting all'indirizzo
>>     hackmeeting@???

>> Per iscriverti o cancellarti attraverso il web, visita
>> oppure, via email, manda un messaggio con oggetto `help' all'indirizzo
>>     hackmeeting-request@???

>> Puoi contattare la persona che gestisce la lista all'indirizzo
>>     hackmeeting-owner@???

>> Se rispondi a questo messaggio, per favore edita la linea dell'oggetto
>> in modo che sia più utile di un semplice "Re: Contenuti del digest
>> della lista Hackmeeting..."
>> Argomenti del Giorno:
>>    1. Rojava Technology (Police Terror)
>>    2. Re: Proposte per due talk + richieste informazioni logistiche
>>       nonché passaggi da/per Napoli (nessuno)
>>    3. Re: Rojava Technology (boyska)
>>    4. Re: Rojava Technology (Police Terror)
>>    5. Re: Rojava Technology (Vincenzo Tozzi)
>>    6. Re: Rojava Technology (nessuno)

>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2017 09:39:00 +0000
>> From: Police Terror <PoliceTerror@???>
>> To: Hackmeeting@???
>> Subject: [Hackmeeting] Rojava Technology
>> Message-ID: <6335089b-0855-781d-dbfc-8990a1f664ea@???>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
>> Hello friends,
>> My name is Amir Taaki, and I was in Rojava for a year and a half. When I
>> came back to England, I was under house arrest for a year.
>> I just found out about your event, and I am rushing to make plans to
>> arrive on Wednesday.
>> If you have space for my talk, I want this talk:
>> Title:
>> Call for a Revolutionary Hacker Movement to fight Capitalist Modernity
>> Presentation:
>> Ideas play a fundamental role in collective consciousness and more
>> generally in human history. History is the result of human will and
>> action, but always within the framework of convictions, beliefs and
>> representations which provide meaning and direction.
>> Classical forms of domination and political power are growing impotent.
>> Modernity has led to an explosion of knowledge which spreads with little
>> regard to consequence. Closed entities have given way to interconnected
>> networks with fuzzy reference points.
>> This swamp threatens humanity on a metaphysical level, a sinister
>> hegemony constantly reshaping itself. This giant megamachine warps
>> humanity in service of its own growth disconnected from any sense of
>> divine values or higher purpose.
>> Technology is one of the main drivers of the civilizational process. As
>> hackers we have the ability and opportunity to seize power. But that
>> will only happen through an organized coherent political movement with a
>> well developed analysis of capitalist modernity. It will not happen
>> through random spontaneous acts of creative tinkering. To save humanity
>> from death, we need a movement that creates new philosophy, and works
>> hard towards our shared utopia.
>> It's time that we restate our goals, and organize a new coherent
>> movement that dedicates itself towards furthering this vision.
>> ---------------
>> Amir Taaki, Rojava Economics Committee
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 2
>> Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2017 09:51:03 +0000
>> From: nessuno <zioalfa@???>
>> To: hackmeeting@???
>> Subject: Re: [Hackmeeting] Proposte per due talk + richieste
>>     informazioni logistiche nonché passaggi da/per Napoli
>> Message-ID: <7fec23348b7545fa76a419e31469e51a@???>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

>> Il 2017-06-12 10:52 boyska ha scritto:
>>> frantic:
>>>> Il 2017-05-22 23:38 ginox ha scritto:
>>>>> uh 18 - 20-45 e' brutto, perche' le fasce orarie per cena e pranzo saranno
>>> Scusate eh, ma gli slot iniziano a scarseggiare, specie quelli ad orari
>>> così "ambiti".
>> io mi sognavo un talk di 3 ore ore 12 14con ambra angiolini su:
>> anche se qui vi vedo fermi su:
>> ------------------------------
>> Message: 3
>> Date: Mon, 12 Jun 2017 12:03:30 +0200
>> From: boyska <piuttosto@???>
>> To: hackmeeting@???
>> Subject: Re: [Hackmeeting] Rojava Technology
>> Message-ID: <20170612100330.GD32324@???>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; format=flowed
>> Police Terror:
>>> My name is Amir Taaki, and I was in Rojava for a year and a half. When
>>> I came back to England, I was under house arrest for a year.
>>> I just found out about your event, and I am rushing to make plans to
>>> arrive on Wednesday. If you have space for my talk, I want this talk:
>> hello!
>> sure we can find space for this talk.
>> Could you clarify:
>> - the expected duration of the talk
>> - the "form": a presentation? a debate? something in between?
>> ciao

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