[Tails-testers] Deadly guest speakers for the 2017 Indigenou…

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Autore: THOMAS
Data: 2017-05-25 08:05 -000
To: tails-testers
Oggetto: [Tails-testers] Deadly guest speakers for the 2017 Indigenous Conferences @ Stamford Hotel in Brisbane for August 21-23, 2017
ICS and Indigenous Wellbeing Centre are pleased to announce that the Hon. Ken Wyatt, Minister for Indigenous Health will formally open the 2017 Indigenous Drug & Alcohol Misuse Conference and 2017
Indigenous Justice Conference with a keynote address to be held at Stamford Plaza in Brisbane, Queensland on the 21st- 23rd August 2017.

International First Nations guest speakers, Dr. Joseph B. Stone (Blackfeet Indian USA) and Dr. Amber Logan (Kahungunu Maori NZ) will also be amongst the featured keynote speakers for this year’s
conferences. Similarly, the overwhelming response of the Call for Papers clearly indicates the deep interests of organizations and individuals working in the field of Indigenous services to improve First
Nations peoples’ wellbeing. With this in mind, we have great pleasure in announcing the high calibre of keynote speakers and great depth of workshop presenters from within Indigenous communities
throughout Australia.

Among this year’s keynote speakers for the 2017 National Indigenous Drug & Alcohol Misuse Conference are Rebecca Lang, CEO - Queensland Network of Alcohol and Other Drug Agencies; Dr. Kylie Lee,
Senior Lecturer at University of Sydney (NSW); Mr. Will Mac Gregor, CEO - BushMob Aboriginal Corporation (NT); James Fowles, Senior Manager On The Line - Mens Australia (VIC); Aunty Cheri Yavu-Kama-
Harathunian, Director, Chaplain & Cultural Officer - Indigenous Wellbeing Centre (QLD); Briana Lees, Centre of Research Excellence in Mental Health and Substance Use, University of NSW; Scott Wilson,
Director - Aboriginal Drug and Alcohol Council Inc. (SA); Wayne Mulvany, General Manager; Lee Lingwoodock, Senior Mental Health Worker; Janette Young, Marketing & Communication Manager and Lee
Hammond, Senior Community Worker of Indigenous Wellbeing Centre (QLD) amongst others.

Furthermore, a glimpse on the quality and high-calibre keynote speakers as well as accepted papers for the 2017 National Indigenous Justice Conference are Ross Tanimu, Program Coordinator - Hackham
West Community Centre (SA); Ruth Lovelock, Director & Ernest Lovelock, Managing Director - Wundarra Services (NSW); Leanne Adams, Sheriff's Aboriginal Liaison Officer & Kye Hardie, Local Justice Worker -
Department of Justice and Regulation and Rumbalara Aboriginal Co-op(VIC); Grace O'Brien, PhD Candidate - University of Technology(NSW); Sharynne Hamilton & Jacinta Freeman, Researchers -Telethon
Kids Institute (WA); Pamela Nathan, Director - CASSE Australia Inc (VIC); Jamie Millier Tjupurrula, Project Manager - Men’s Tjilirra Movement Program (VIC); Mr. Will Mac Gregor, CEO - BushMob Aboriginal
Corporation (NT) and many others.

It is so pleasing to see both government and non-government organisations partnering, participating and sharing knowledge & strategies in an atmosphere conducive to stimulating new ideas within
communities. Australia has a wealth of talent in our Indigenous communities all striving to further enhance the quality of life and wellbeing nationwide. It just goes to show we do not have to re-invent the
wheel to succeed which goes with the philosophy of both conferences of strength through interagency cooperation at a local, state and national level. We encourage anyone interested in attending the
conference to register early as registration numbers are filling fast.

To register or for further details, please visit the event’s website: www.indigenousconferences.com or email us at adminics@???

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