Re: [mat-dev] Maintainership for MAT

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Autor: Dennis Fink
Data: 2017-05-09 17:53 -000
Para: mat-dev
Tópicos Antigos: [mat-dev] Maintainership for MAT
Assunto: Re: [mat-dev] Maintainership for MAT

Just a quick notice of the status here, as I was very silent the last
few months!

I am still willing to do things, but the last few weeks & months, there
was some stress at my workplace, so I could not do many things and make
me comfortable with the code-base etc...

As I will be on vacation the next two weeks, as I'm visiting the No-Spy
conference in Stuttgart and the Gulaschprogrammiernacht in Karlsruhe, I
will have time to dig into MAT and do things. Maybe some of you will be
there, so we could maybe do a little meet-up and chat :-P.

Hope you understand, why I was inactive.
