Re: [Tails-project] Tails Social Contract published

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Autor: u
Data: 2017-05-02 20:17 -000
A: tails-project
Assumpte: Re: [Tails-project] Tails Social Contract published

the correct link is

Sorry about that.

> Tails core contributors have adopted the Tails Social Contract which can
> be found here:
> The adopted text reads:
> ---oo---
> # Introduction
> The Tails Social Contract is a set of commitments that we as
> contributors to the Tails project stand by. This work is derived from
> the Debian Social Contract and the Tor Social Contract. If you have any
> questions or comments, feel free to email:
> This is a promise from our contributors community to the rest of the
> world, affirming a commitment to our beliefs.
> # 1. By creating Tails we try to provide usable tools for anonymity and
> privacy
> We believe that privacy, the free exchange of ideas, and equal access to
> information are essential to free and open societies. Through our
> community standards and the tools we create, we provide means that
> empower all people to protect and advance these ideals.
> # 2. Tails is and will remain free software
> Equal access to information includes the free availability of our code
> and documentation as well as the transparency of our decision making
> processes.
> All the components of Tails that we create ourselves are, and will be,
> licensed in a manner consistent with the Debian Free Software Guidelines.
> Tails will always be free to use, remix, adapt and distribute. As the
> only exceptions to this rule, Tails includes:
> - a minor part of non-free firmware in order to work on as much hardware
> as possible;
> - a few pieces of software whose source code is public but not
> compatible with the Debian Free Software Guidelines; they are needed to
> support important use cases.
> # 3. We will give back to the Free Software community
> Tails is a privacy-oriented Debian Derivative.
> We want usable security and privacy-oriented tools to become a standard
> for the Free Software community as a whole.
> Bugfixes, code improvements, Debian packaging, as well as work on
> usability issues will be upstreamed whenever possible. This way, our
> modifications will benefit others and can be improved upon further by a
> wider audience of people.
> # 4. We encourage participation and transparency
> We want to produce Tails in a way that encourages participation, which
> requires publicly documenting what can be improved. As Tails is created
> in such a transparent manner, anyone is encouraged to participate,
> review it and point out problems.
> To make our community a welcoming place for everybody we agreed on a
> Code of Conduct.
> # 5. We will never harm our users intentionally
> We will always do our best to create secure and usable tools. We will
> never willingly include backdoors or malicious software nor will we
> cooperate with any entity wanting us to harm our users.
> Mistakes sometimes happen. We will be honest about them and fix those
> that affect the safety of Tails users when they are reported to us.
> Whenever severe security issues are reported to us in private, we will
> test them and ensure we promptly fix these issues. We will notify our
> users whenever such an issue has been reported to us. However, for the
> security of our users, we might not disclose such a severe issue before
> releasing a fix.
> # 6. We give users the means to decide how much they can rely on Tails
> We encourage users to inform themselves and decide if Tails is suitable
> for their use case and how much they can trust it. We work diligently to
> keep our community up-to-date through our various communication channels
> about the current state of our software and its limitations. We
> encourage users to read our documentation as well as third-party
> documentation in order to make an informed decision and engage in a
> learning process about the tools we ship.
> We provide and explain methods of verification so that anyone can ensure
> that they downloaded a genuine copy of Tails.
> ---oo---
> Cheers!
> u.
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