著者: intrigeri 日付: To: Tails list for early testers 題目: Re: [Tails-testers] Can't automatically upgrade Tails
Whitey: > Today I received the following message upon launching Tails 3.0~beta3: > ----------
> You should do a manual upgrade to Tails 3.0~beta4. > For more information about this new version, go to
> https://tails.boum.org/news/test_3.0-beta4/ > It is not possible to automatically upgrade your device to this new
> version: Tails was started from a DVD or a read-only device. > To learn how to do a manual upgrade, go to
> https://tails.boum.org/doc/first_steps/upgrade/#manual > --------- > I am running tails on a USB 3.0 USB stick with a mounted persistent
> volume which I was able to automatically upgrade to beta3 from beta2.