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From: David Paternotte <David.Paternotte@???>
Date: Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 4:44 PM
Subject: [ULB] Post-Doc Project "Sexual revolution and (de) pillarization
from 1960 to 2000: A Belgian specificity? Contribution to a history of
gender norms and sexuality"
To: marylene.lieber@???, Petra.Ahrens@???,
Silvia.Erzeel@???, alexander.dhoest@???,
alberta.giorgi@???, francois.foret@???, massimo.prearo@???,
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Cher.e.s Collègues
Vous trouverez ci-joint une offre de post-doc d'un an dans le cadre du
"Révolution sexuelle et (dé)pilarisation de 1960 à 2000 : Une spécificité
belge ? Contribution à une histoire des normes de genre et de sexualité"
David Paternotte
Dear Colleagues,
You will find attached a one-year postdoc offer for the project "Sexual
revolution and (de) pillarization from 1960 to 2000: A Belgian specificity?
Contribution to a history of gender norms and sexuality".
Best regards
David Paternotte
Centre for Social Studies - University of Coimbra
GRASSROOTSMOBILISE project - Eliamep (Athens)
skype: a.giorgi
Recently published:
- Religion and local politics in Southern Europe: a research agenda, with
X. Itçaina. Religion, State and Society (
- Gender, Religion, and Political Agency: Mapping the Field, Revista
Crítica de Ciências Sociais, (
- Associazionismo Religioso - in R. Biorcio and T. Vitale, Italia
Civile. Associazionismo. partecipazione e politica. Le reti associative e
la «democrazia attiva» da Tangentopoli a oggi (
- European Culture Wars and the Italian Case. Which Side Are You On?,
Routledge, 2016 - with L. Ozzano.