The Republican party should reach out to moderate and conservative members of the Democratic party. Find a person in Democrat party that they can use to be a bridge within the Democratic party like Ted Kennedy was in the senate for so many years.
Everything wanted by Obama almost failed. They didn't want Obama to succeed even before he took office. The southern Republican members in the house and senate hate him because he was black. He wouldn't have won in 2008 if the recession had not started in October 2008. THE COUNTRY WAS NOT READY FOR A BLACK PRESIDENT. Actually Obama is not black. He is integrated by race. He his mother was white and he was raised by his maternal grandparents who were white. He grew up in Hawaii which is a an integrated society. An example the southern Republican hated Obama is when he was called a liar by a rep from South Carolina during one of his State of the Union speeches.
The only way the Republicans can work with Democrats is getting rid of Paul Ryan as speaker. I believe Ryan is an altar boy Catholic conservative who wants everything his way. Look at the stupid health bill he wanted. Even Obama said his health bill needed TO BE AMENDED. REPEAL WOULD NEVER WORK BECAUSE SO MANY PEOPLE RECEIVED CARE THAT NEVER HAD BEFORE. RYAN AND REPUBLICANS DIDN'T REALIZE THIS. WHY DID THEY THINK EVENTUALLY GETTING RID OF MEDICAID WOULD WORK. IN KENTUCKY 300,000 PEOPLE GOT HEATH CARE FOR THE FIRST TIME. THE TWO SENATORS FROM THIS STATE DIDN'T GET THIS. Even Trump realizes the two parties need to work together. This is why the people in this country are discussed with gridlock.
The majority whites saw minority groups protesting due to the media. Whites especially in the Rust Belt who are thinking what about us. Their are so many white people suffering now because of lost jobs and marginal living. Trump tapped into this and won. The mortality and despair among white people is dropping and increasing.