Autor: Pavel Chuchkalov Datum: 2017-03-22 04:21 -000 To: tails-testers Betreff: [Tails-testers] Tails3.0-Beta3 feedback#1
Hi Tails team!
I installed Tails3.0-Beta3, here is my input:
1) cloning into second usb key - I faced a common problem mentioned on ubuntu forums "initial wipe timeout" - booting into regular debian, create new GPT partition table from gparted, formatting with fat32 helped; booting tails again allowed to clone onto the second usb key;
2) the partition tool in Tails didnt allow me to greate a new partition table on a second usb disk. GPT / MBR both failed, by showing first that the disk was clean but next second I saw my partitions again. I dont know why but they were created BY tails cloner: first partition 127 Mb, second partition 5.4Gb, the rest 10Gb unpartitioned - all that changed to first 2.6Gb and the rest LUKS after I created a GPT partition in ubuntu on the second usb key
3) my usb key is a tf card inserted into a usb-plug sized usb reader. booting both tf cards inserted into the tf reader of cume mix plus ends up with "initramfs: can not find the media" (tails 2.11 iso booted perfectly and initramfs was found)
4) Universal usb installer didnt work to create a bootable usb; cube mix plus was saying "configuration not found" for tails 2.11; and "boot: <bla bla bla i dont remember>" for tails 3.0 beta 3
5) the right way for me was to use rufus. Using "MBR partitioning for BIOS and UEFI" did the trick - usb key created from tails3-beta3 iso booted on my kaby lake
6) I like new login window, but could you please add adminitstrator password into main controls? Pls dont hide it under "most likely you wont need the additional features like administrator passwd"; we all will boot tails on a computer with a hard drive; and to access documents on NTFS partition of a hard drive I will need an admin passwd. Because I do my tax return under Windows disconnected from the intetnet, I would like to move my files onto LUKS. But before I start figuring out my security model, I will definitely be logging with an need to mount volumes, despite it's considered "unsafe".
7) please include the UI config tool from GNome. I hate windows animations of any kind and there is no way to turn them off. Also I want my taskbar to be on the left, and I hate "overview" screen of the recent GNome. Im sure gnome has the window manager effects layout configuration tool - please include it into tails3.0 release; eventually Gnome will make windows transparent while dragging like xfce and users will want to handle WM settings inside TAILS. I also hate when file manager puts files on top of files for NTFS drive
8) please leave a debian repository in APT - eventually I may boot into TAILS to develop my web sites on LUKS, have my torrents on LUKS etc etc - paranoid users may decide to live the whole their life encrypted, so please let them do it :) so having packages accessible will let the users consider TAILS as a regular linux distro without feeling jailed because TAILS consider them paranoid. If "encryption and improved security should be accessible for everyone" is BOUM's motto then let it spread around and let the users use their editors, MonoDevelop, have their mysql databases and even samba shares on encrypted partitions. Whenever the usb key is unplugged - the data is useless without password. That was what you propagate to the users, right? Pls dont lock me onto TAILS repo and let me install gcc right from Synaptics Package Manager if I want to cross-compile the kernel for ARM devices, please?
9) usb key might represent 120Gb msata USB 3.0 ssd drive in an enclosure, right?... Do you have any strategy for the users how they should split the drive? 2.6Gb should be dedicated for tails (upgradeable from ISO); probably 10Gb for Synaptics-installed packages into /usr/local; probably 10Gb for my encrypted /home redirecred to an encrypted partition, and probably /home/unencrypted for some useless garbage like mysql source code or whatever I consider my regular linux daily stuff
PS: is not a safe search engine; despite they state "we dont track you", the ads shown to me by yandex ADs system is tighly related to my last search queries; any better suggestions on a search engine?....