Re: [mat-dev] Christian ( reque…

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Autor: Christian Pietsch
Para: The metadata anonymisation toolkit mailing list
Assunto: Re: [mat-dev] Christian ( requested Developer access to the mat / mat project.
Hi intrigeri,
hi list,

On Sat, Mar 18, 2017 at 01:55:44PM +0100, intrigeri wrote:
> Christian ( requested Developer access to
> the mat / mat project.
> Christian, do you read the list? If yes, can you please tell us why
> you need this access? I *think* that most kinds of contributions can
> be done with "Reporter" status, but I'm new to Gitlab so I'm all ears
> wrt. why "Developer" status may be needed :)

Yes, that is me. When I created my account on a month ago,
I added a comment to issue 11067 (as you advised previously)
<>, and then
I clicked a button to join this project there. As far as I can
remember, no choice of access level was given. Reporter status is
appropriate as long as somebody is there to merge pull requests from


Christian Pietsch, Bielefeld, Germany, EU
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