[Lista Criptica] Demà: "Sense and scope of autonomy in emerg…

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Autor: doppel
To: Criptica - Lista de socios temporal
Betreff: [Lista Criptica] Demà: "Sense and scope of autonomy in emerging military and security technologies"

sóc conscient de que aviso (molt?) tard, però això li pot interessar a
més d'un d'aquesta llista. És un "international workshop" sobre les
tendències en l'automatització de les noves tecnologies militars. Es
farà durant tot el dia de demà a la Facultat de Dret de la UB (Metro
Palau Reial). Les jornades [en anglès] són obertes a tothom i no es
necessita registre. Es toquen temes legals (sessió #1), tècnics (sessió
#2) i filosòfics (sessió #3).



10.10 – 11.30
Session 1: legal issues

A reflective analysis on the legal implications of research, development
and innovation of emerging military autonomous systems.

10.10 – 10.40

“What is autonomy in autonomous weapon systems?”

10.40 – 11.10
Legal Personhood and Autonomous Weapons


12.20 – 13.50
Session 2: technical issues

Scientific reflections on the sense and scope of the concept of autonomy
and its dimension within the sciences of the artificial.

12.20 – 12.50
“Short and long term risks of Artificial Intelligence”

12.50 – 13.20
“Software tools for the cognitive development of autonomous robots”.


16.30 – 17.30
Session 3: other issues

A reflexive approach on political and strategic implications
consequence of design and use of emerging military and security
technologies with high degrees of autonomy.

16.30 – 17.00
“The Terminator and the Roomba: What is Autonomy?”

