> Please review
> https://wiki.debian.org/BSP/2017/05/fr/Paris/CoC#French_version.
I reviewed it, and fixed a few sentences as well as the CoC attribution
> Just for this sentence I'm unsure: "Qui que vous soyez, si vous
> sentez que vous êtes et que vous avez été harcelé ou rendu
> inconfortable par un membre de la communauté, s'il vous plaît,
> contactez un membre de l'équipe d'organisation." Who we want them to
> contact?
I understand that there will be a moderation team that will be in charge
of this.
But it makes sense to me that the organization team as a whole will be
able to at least contact a member of the moderation team. So the
sentence is fine for me both in french and english:
"No matter who you are, if you feel you have been or are being
harassed or made uncomfortable by a community member, please
contact a member of the moderation team."