Re: [More-than-a-BSP] BSP + outreach / heterogeneity event i…

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Autore: Mehdi Dogguy
To: intrigeri, debian-sprints
CC: more-than-a-bsp, auditor
Oggetto: Re: [More-than-a-BSP] BSP + outreach / heterogeneity event in Paris, May 2017
Hi intrigeri,

On 07/02/2017 22:22, intrigeri wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm part of a group of Tails and Debian people who are organizing
> a Debian event in Paris, on May 13-14.
> For Debian package maintainers, tl;dr: there will be a BSP.
> We've got a few more goals for this event. One of them is to reach out
> to, and properly welcome, people who can contribute to the quality
> assurance effort, and to Debian in general, with their _pre-existing_
> skills, in other ways than fixing bugs and uploading packages.
> Another, related goal is to bring together a heterogeneous group of
> people. Another goal is to gather the kind of feedback that our BTS is
> not very good at.

So, first, thank you very much for organizing this event! We really need
new ways to attract and onboard new contributors!

So, I am all for it and I am happy to sponsor such events. This one will
be quite unique comparing to previous BSPs. Afterwards, we will have to
question ourselves on the success of the event and how to improve the idea.

> The *draft* announcement is probably the best way to understand what
> it is about:
> (Please don't spread this URL further yet, as the content is not
> complete, includes info that still needs to be confirmed, and we want
> to reach out to specific audiences in a non-random order, in order to
> optimize for an heterogeneous set of attendees. Our current goal is to
> start announcing the event widely around February 15-18. Please be
> patient :)
> The home page of the event, currently mostly used by the organization
> team, might be a good way to understand how we're handling it:
> So I'm hereby requesting some Debian money (on top of the sponsorship
> for Debian members already granted by the DPL) to make this happen:
> one doesn't get an heterogeneous set of attendees if only current
> Debian people are supported.
> We would love to have the means to bring 20 non-local new, great
> people there:
> * accommodation: 20 persons * 2 nights, hostel: 1300€
> * travel: 20 persons * 100€ maximum: 2000€
> Total: 3300€ max.


> We will handle sponsorship requests based on this estimate initially.
> But it would be awesome to have some flexibility, in case we get lots
> of requests from excellent wanna-be attendees. So a provision to bump
> the above numbers up to 30 people would be more than welcome.
> This means a budget up to 5000€.

Granted. I guess you'll also be limited by Mozilla's place.

> I hope that solidarity hosting can cut these costs down. Please let us
> know if you can host people in Paris during that week-end, you'll save
> Debian some money!

Now that you have a blog (yay!), you may post on Debian's Planet to reach
out to a broader audience and make call for help/proposals/hosters/sponsors/
etc… But I am sure you already thought about this :-)

> We're also looking for other sponsors, so if we're lucky Debian will
> have to pay less than. Here again, pointers are welcome.


> Sponsorship requests will be handled by a "bursaries" group delegated
> by the event organization team. The (rough) selection criteria will be
> a mix of: being part of an under-represented/dominated group; travel
> cost (because sometimes it's better to bring 2 people rather than 1);
> relevance to Debian (e.g. specific skills, or highly motivated); how
> much sponsorship is needed for the person to attend. We're newbies at
> this craft, so if experimented people want to point us to relevant
> resources, I certainly wouldn't mind :)

You may want to study how bursaries have been handled for past DebConf
editions. Not sure it is really needed to follow the same rules but it
will give you some ideas.

> We expect at least lunch (and hopefully dinner) to be sponsored by
> private companies; this is left to be organized and confirmed. In any
> case, we're not asking Debian to sponsor food.
> Regarding the T.O. that will handle this: I plan to ask Debian France,
> but haven't got there yet.

Perfect. I hope Debian France is ready to handle the flood.

> Thoughts?

"Y a plus qu'à" :-)
