Re: [Tails-dev] Set coin selection to "privacy" by default i…

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Autor: Michael English
Data: 2017-01-25 18:58 -000
A: tails-dev
Assumpte: Re: [Tails-dev] Set coin selection to "privacy" by default in Electrum
> I just spent an hour reading:
> *
> *
> First, let me say that I absolutely do not want this feature documented for end-users. I'm not sure how this could be explained in less a way so a user could make an informed decision without using thousands of words (with a thousand possibilities to misunderstand). So, yeah, either we enable this by default in Tails, or we completely ignore it.
> Second, now I understand this feature better, and I feel quite convinced that it makes sense for Tails: we can take a selfish stance were we don't care about the potential negative effects this can have on the network and blockchain bloat; then only other drawback is potential increase of transaction fees, but that seems like a negligible effect to me. So, I say: let's do it! If you want to speed things up, please create a ticket about this, and assign it to me. Mega bonus points if it contains a patch against config/chroot_local-includes/etc/skel/.electrum/config. :)
> Cheers!

That's great news! I created issue #12177 and I uploaded the replacement
config file.