[movimenti.bicocca] Call for Applications -Summer School on …

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Auteur: Alice M
À: Laboratorio sulla partecipazione politica e associativa del Dipartimento di Sociologia e ricerca sociale dell'Universita' degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca
Sujet: [movimenti.bicocca] Call for Applications -Summer School on “Media in Political Participation and Mobilization” (Firenze 26-30 June 2017)
*apologies for cross-posting*

The Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences at the Scuola Normale
Superiore invites applications for the upcoming Summer School on “Media in
Political Participation and Mobilization” which will be held in Florence
(Italy) in June 2017, from Monday 26th to Friday 30th included.

The Summer School will explore the complex relationship between media and
diverse instances of political participation and mobilization. More in
particular, the lectures during the Summer School will revolve around three
main themes on which literature flourished in the past few years, providing
new perspectives on the relationship between media and political
participation/mobilizations: (1) media cultures; (2) media materialities;
and (3) media practices.

Participants (up to 15) will be given the possibility to present their
ongoing research and project activities during afternoon sessions. Other
participants and speakers will provide feedback and suggestions.
Participants will also have the possibility to schedule a meeting with the
Summer School invited lecturers to discuss more in details their work and
receive targeted advices.

Keynote Lectures will be given by prof. Donatella della Porta (Scuola
Normale Superiore) and Nick Couldry (London School of Economics).

Practical details and a lengthier description of the three main themes can
be found here http://cosmos.sns.it/all-events/summer-school-on-media-

For further information, contact the Summer School Organizing Committee at
media_summerschool@??? <media_summerschool@???>


*How to apply*: Applications consisting of a *cover letter* in which they
explain how the Summer School would be beneficial for their research,
a *500-word
abstract of their proposed paper*, and an updated *curriculum vitae* should
be sent via email to media_summerschool@??? not later than *17 March

*Acceptance Notifications*: the Summer School Organizing Committee will
inform applicants on the result of the evaluation process as soon as
possible and no later than 07 April 2017.

*Enrollment*: Selected applicants shall confirm their participation and pay
the enrollment fee within 15 days, after which places may be offered to
applicants on the reserve list.

Payments can be done via bank transfer using the bank details that will be
sent at due time.

*Note*: the enrollment fee covers:

●      Lunches for the Summer School days (June 26th-30th, 2016)

●      a welcome aperitivo;

●      a farewell dinner.

Selected applicants shall book accommodation at their expenses. Selected
applicants that will not correspond the enrollment fee by the foreseen
deadline will automatically loose the opportunity to participate in the
Summer School. Refunds will not be possible.


Alice Mattoni
Assistant Professor
Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences
Scuola Normale Superiore
