> Hi Sajolida,
> Ok, I have applied all the suggested changes, and I think its time to a
> code review as well:
> https://git-tails.immerda.ch/kurono/liveusb-creator/log/?h=feature/9005-Improve-tails-installer
So I finally found the time to review this. Sorry for the huge delay!
And thanks for the testing tips. I also realized that they have to be
run with sudo (at least from Tails), so what about adding these
instructions to the repo?
git clone
sudo apt-get install python-distutils-extra python3-distutils-extra
sudo python setup.py install
sudo mkdir /usr/local/share/tails-installer
sudo cp -R data/* /usr/local/share/tails-installer/
sudo tails-installer
I'm sending a few screenshots in attachment for reference.
Regarding my tests and review:
1. I propose defaulting to "Clone" instead of "Use ISO" when running
from Tails because I expect it to be the most frequently used option
(and that's why it's on top).
2. What about deactivating (graying out) the file selection unless "Use
ISO" is selected? See:
3. If "Use ISO" is selected but no ISO image is specified, I could still
click "Install" (but then I don't know what it's doing). I think we
should then display the dialog for selecting the ISO image before asking
for confirmation before install. This would be the "forgiving" option.
Another option would be to add a constrain and gray out the "Install"
button until an ISO image is selected. But I think I prefer the first
4. Did you implement changing the "Install" button into "Upgrade" (and
"Reinstall")? Because I didn't see this when doing my tests...
Now that I have a testing setup and manage to do this once, I should be
able to do more reviews faster :)