Testing tails 3.0 alpha on differents laptops and it seems to work well,
except some already mentionned wiping memory problem.
On an old laptop where memory wiping wasn't working 2.7 it always fails.
But the difference with 2.7 is that I have some kernel message (the "[OK]
blablabla" line ) that are overwritting the load/unload screen of tails
(the three square dot), cf picture (I suppose the tor realted message can
be ignored as I suppose they appeared because of no internet connection).
On newer computers it works almost each time, but fails from time to time
(thought there is not the screen overwritting problem).
Worth notice that the touchscreen of a sony vaio is working very well.
I was also thinking to upgrade a key with an already fully parametred and
well used persitance partition. It will allow me to make more advanced
test quicker, but you may say me that's stupidy and far too risky. What do
you think?