Re: [Lista Criptica] i vigilància massiva


著者: kakak
To: list_criptica
題目: Re: [Lista Criptica] i vigilància massiva

Primer gracies per compartir i contrastar!
No se si m'ha de xocar o no, la veritat es que tampoc hem sorprèn massa.
Tal i com as dit... es un casus belli?

De primer a diferents treballadors que han treballat o treballen per una
empresa relacionada directament amb Israel i el Mossad, analogs a la NSA
i amb un bon numero de morts a les seves esquenes.

Per altra banda tenim un protocol 100% de codi lliure, serverless, p2p,
federat... Vamos una bomba (se me excusen los servicios secretos por
usar la palabra bomba para definirlo).

Abans de declarar un nou casus belli crec que hauríem d'analitzar el codi:

- El codi beneficiaria directament d'alguna manera al Mossad o algun
altres servei secret?
- El codi te backdoors o algun forat de seguretat?
- Algú pot aprofitar el codi d'alguna manera per comprometre la
privacitat i/o seguretat dels seus usuaris? De quina manera? Que
afectaria? etc...

Un cop analitzat el codi, i sabent que es 100% lliure de trossos
privatius i malèfics:

- Jutgem als seus programadors pels seus actes?
- Conspiranoia: recordem que el principal inversor de Tor va ser, i crec
q encara es, el govern dels estats units[1]. Va ser el precursor del
onionrouting i segons la font citada fins i tot al 2014 encara era el
principal inversor.
Algun cop vaig llegir que els estats units tenien interès en crear
aquesta xarxa ja que si creessin una xarxa anònima única per ells seria
molt fàcil de trobar a quin objectiu atacar, però si fan servir una
xarxa anònima que utilitza tothom... l'objectiu es difumina.
I tornem a la pregunta important:

- Qui s'està sortint beneficiat de què?



Elkon Fad:
> Hola,
> M'han comentat un tema important de, que hem de tenir present
> i considerar si és casus belli o no. Flipeu serpentines de colors:
> «
> So matrix is funded by amdocs:
> Amdocs is a publicly listed NYSE company that also acts a spy-arm for
> the Israeli state, Isarel’s military, Israel’s government, and most
> troubling of all, for Israeli’s intelligence service Mossad;
> [···]
> Israel’s Mossad have placed spies on US soil under the guise of Amdocs
> employees at various US and Canadian offices working out of Amdocs’
> offices under the illusion of Amdocs employees;
> Amdocs shares any and all US & Canadian subscriber data with Israel’s
> government and various spying entities;
> China and other countries have kicked out Amdocs and their garbage
> billing software because of these illicit activities;
> [···]
> »
> Sobre la relació entre amdocs i
> =========================
> # Guillaume Foret
> Mobile Application Developer at Amdocs -
> Current:   Amdocs -
> Previous:    Amdocs, Streamezzo - Amdocs, Sagem Communication

> i un altre:
> # Amandine (Roux) Le Pape
> Head of Product at Vector Creations Limited
> Current:    Vector Creations Limited,, Amdocs
> Previous:   Amdocs, Streamezzo - Amdocs, Streamezzo

> però el personatge més rellevant crec que és Mathew Hodgson:
> «Matthew Hodgson is the technical co-founder of [···] Matthew
> juggles with running the Unified Communications line of
> business within Amdocs (formerly MX Telecom), where he has been building
> IP telephony solutions for 12 years.»
> I al "qui som" de surt:
> «Matthew’s day job is running the Unified Communications team at Amdocs,
> creating communication apps for large mobile network operators (e.g.
> Blah <> for TIM Brasil). Previously he ran “The Next
> Generation” telephony/media team at MX Telecom (acquired by Amdocs in
> 2010), building a [···] media framework and VoIP stack to power MX’s
> voice and video services. [···]»
> Sobre l'Amandine:
> «Amandine has spent the last 2 years setting up and leading the Unified
> Communications line of business within Amdocs as a Product Manager, and
> has more than 10 years of experience in mobile services and
> telecommunications. »
> Sobre les activitats il·lícites d'Amdocs
> ======================
> «[···] billing for the same carriers was then [2013] and still remains
> in the hands of a vendor once alleged to have close ties to the
> intelligence community — Amdocs [···]»
> «Amdocs is used by more than 250 communications service providers (CSPs)
> worldwide. [···] Clients include AT&T, Verizon Communications, Verizon
> Wireless, Sprint, T-Mobile in multiple countries, BT, Bell Canada,
> Comcast, Telefonica, Cox, Deutsche Telekom, Etisalat, Vodafone, Tata
> Communications, Yellow New Zealand, and many, many more Tier 1 operators.»
> «[···]16 years ago when a small group of its employees were exposed as
> Israeli intelligence agents using the company’s products to spy on the
> U.S.[···]»
> «bulk metadata collection by the NSA is now largely disallowed though
> there is an exception for data collected — and what other nations do
> regarding mass data interception is their own business.»
> ## Productes
> «
> Real-time streaming of detailed charging data directly into the
> operational data store
> Usage queries return enriched, aggregated and correlated rated events
> »
> -----
> La versió del Matthew
> «Yup, to elaborate: many of the core team have dayjobs with
> various subsiduaries of Amdocs, who pays our salaries but lets us work
> fulltime on Matrix. It's analogous to Intel or someone paying for
> developers to work on the Linux kernel. itself is fiercely
> independent of Amdocs or any other corporate interest, and we're in the
> (neverending) legal process of getting it incorporated as a proper
> non-profit in the UK (technically, a limited by guarantee company) with
> a formal charter to act as a neutral guardian of the project, protocol
> and ecosystem.»
> No ho sé penya, això va molt lluny i ara no tinc més temps per llegir.
> Si trobeu o teniu opinions en aquest sentit seran molt benvingudes!!
> salut,
> fdk
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