[Intergas] Fwd: Incredible new aerial photos of an uncontact…

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Szerző: Sandra Cangemi
Címzett: ekonomi, intergas, 'Sandra Cangemi' via GAS del Parco, ersilia.monti@livecom.it, amalia navoni
Tárgy: [Intergas] Fwd: Incredible new aerial photos of an uncontacted tribe under threat

-------- Messaggio Inoltrato --------
Oggetto:     Incredible new aerial photos of an uncontacted tribe under threat
Data:     Sun, 20 Nov 2016 09:16:45 +0000
Mittente:     Survival International <campaigns@???>
Rispondi-a:     Survival International <campaigns@???>
A:     sandra.cangemi@???

Incredible new aerial photos of an uncontacted tribe under threat
Brazilian Indians are appealing for your support today.

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© Guilherme Gnipper Trevisan/Hutukara

      *Urgent Action for uncontacted tribes: Say NO to fatal funding cuts*

We have just received this incredible new aerial photo showing a
community of around 100 uncontacted Yanomami, deep in the Brazilian Amazon.

The Yanomami's organization, Hutukara, asked Survival to use the photo
to draw attention to the Yanomami's lives and lands and the serious
threats they face... and to *galvanize global support for the tribe. *

Alarmingly, around 5,000 illegal invaders are currently mining for gold
in the region. They have brought diseases like malaria and have
polluted water and food sources with mercury. To make matters worse, the
Brazilian government is now threatening to cut funding to FUNAI, the
Brazilian indigenous affairs department charged with protecting the
Yanomami territory. If they succeed, this would leave the uncontacted
Yanomami at risk of annihilation.

Yanomami leader and shaman Davi Kopenawa told Survival: *“FUNAI exists
to protect indigenous peoples. If President Temer cuts FUNAI’s funding,
it will kill us.”*

*Please send a protest email to Brazil’s President now. *Together, we
must do everything we can to secure Brazilian Indians’ lands for them,
and to give them the chance to determine their own futures.

    Send a pre-written email 

Send a pre-written email

If the button doesn't work for you, please write your own email using
the details below.
If you have time to adapt the text it'll make even more impact.

*To: gabinetepessoal@???
gabinetemj@???, renan.calheiros@???, dep.rodrigomaia@???
Bcc: advocacy@??? (optional, but important for our
Subject: Please support FUNAI and your country's indigenous peoples*

Dear President Temer,

Please halt all plans to reduce funding for FUNAI, and ensure that it
has the resources it needs to protect your country’s indigenous peoples.

They depend completely on their land for their survival – they face
catastrophe unless it is protected. Uncontacted tribes are the most
vulnerable and could be wiped out by these dangerous plans.

I am particularly concerned for the Yanomami, including the uncontacted
members of the tribe. Their land is invaded by goldminers who are
destroying their health and forest.

I urge you to fully support FUNAI’s activities with the resources it
requires, and to ensure that Brazil’s Indians can live in peace on their
ancestral lands.
Yours sincerely,



Since 1969 | Offices in London, Berlin, Madrid, Milan, Paris and San
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A 501(c)(3) organization | Registered charity no. 267444

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