[Intergas] Fwd: Before It's Too Late

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Szerző: Sandra Cangemi
Címzett: ekonomi, intergas, 'Sandra Cangemi' via GAS del Parco, Annafiorella, Bruna Boldi, Mercedes Concas, laura burzilleri, bonazzibarbara@libero.it, roberto vesnaver, Mercedes Concas, annain >> Anna Invernizzi
Tárgy: [Intergas] Fwd: Before It's Too Late

-------- Messaggio Inoltrato --------
Oggetto:     Before It's Too Late
Data:     Wed, 16 Nov 2016 11:44:47 -0500 (EST)
Mittente:     Josh Ruebner, US Campaign for Palestinian Rights 
Rispondi-a:     uscampaign@???
A:     sandra.cangemi@???






    Sign the Petition

Dear Sandra,

“It is certainly not Mr. Trump’s view that [Israeli] *settlement
activities* should be condemned and that it is an obstacle for peace,
because it is *not an obstacle for peace*.” That’s what the co-chair of
the president-elect’s Israel Advisory Committee told Israeli Army Radio
last week.

And whoosh, just like that, *half a century of bipartisan US policy*—not
only deeming Israel’s colonization of Palestinian land an obstacle to
peace, but illegal as well—could *fly out the window* when Donald Trump
becomes president in January.

For eight years, the Obama administration has staunchly criticized the
expansion of Israeli settlements, but hasn’t done anything to stop it,
as the _*population of Israel’s illegal settlements increased by more
than 100,000 people since 2008*_

_*Before it’s too late, we need President Obama to finally take action
to stop Israel’s illegal colonization of Palestinian land*_

More than *8,000 people* have already signed our petition. Help us
_*double that number today*_
so that when we present Obama administration officials with our ideas in
the near future, they’ll see they have grassroots support behind them to
finally take action!

And after you’ve acted, be sure to _*join our Thunderclap*_
to amplify our message on social media. We’re already set to reach more
than 400,000 people. Can you help get us to 1 million?

As President Obama’s term draws to a close, many analysts are wondering
if he’ll do something dramatic to alter his legacy on the
Israeli-Palestinian issue.

The most *meaningful way for President Obama to leave behind a positive
legacy would be to take action on Israeli settlements*. There are a lot
of options at his disposal, including:

•    Passing a *UN Security Council resolution* reinforcing the 
illegality of Israeli settlements and creating an international 
enforcement mechanism to prevent further Israeli colonization

•    Mandating the *labeling of Israeli settlement products* entering 
the United States or even excluding them from duty-free entry as they 
enjoy currently

•    Adding to *terrorism lists and freezing the assets of Israeli 
individuals and organizations involved in settler violence* against 
Palestinians, acts which the State Department already includes in its 
annual report on terrorism

Wouldn’t it be great if any or all of these ideas turned out to be
President Obama’s last action on this issue? _*Please help us generate
the political support we need to get the president to finally take




            JOSH RUEBNER

Policy Director

P.S. Have you ever wanted to work for the US Campaign for Palestinian
Rights? Now is your chance. We’re hiring a part-time *Manager of Finance
and Administration*. _*Check out the job description and apply here*_

          Connect with Us


US Campaign for Palestinian Rights
P.O. Box 21539
Washington, DC 20009
(703) 312-6360



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