Autor: anonym Data: 2016-11-14 22:56 -000 A: The Tails public development discussion list CC: Damian Johnson Assumpte: Re: [Tails-dev] onionshare does not notice when control port
disconnects - was: Tails control port filter proxy in Whonix?
Damian Johnson: > Hi Patrick. Not sure I follow - a control port filter acts as a proxy...
> Application => Filter => Tor Control Port
> If the filter is shut down the socket the application is connected to
> is... well, gone. Is the trouble that Onionshare gives a poor
> indication when this happens? If so then indeed, that sounds like an
> Onionshare bug.
I think it might be stem:
>>> [...] any stem-application will, for instance, notice that Tor closed
>>> its control port on the next send() or recv() on the socket, and then
>>> throw a stem.SocketClosed.
i.e. it will not immediately notice that Tor has closed the socket. I
don't see why it should be any different when a stem-application is
connecting to the filter instead. I'm not sure why this is the case, but
my bet would be that it's related to how stem does async IO.