[Tails-l10n] Donations page: french translation

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Autor: Sebastien Duthil
Data: 2016-10-14 23:21 -000
A: tails-l10n
Assumpte: [Tails-l10n] Donations page: french translation

I just went on the Tails website to donate some money, but I got some
problems with the french version of the page:

- the banner is three lines high (instead of two for the english
version) and overlaps the top of each page, so I can't choose the
language anymore, because the language-selection buttons are hidden by
the banner

- on the donate page, the amount I can give is always 5$, ignoring my
selection: if I select a 250$ donation, then click "Donner" ("Donate"),
I am redirected to Paypal for a payment of 5$ only. This only happens
when I enable Javascript, i.e. only the big purple buttons have this
problem. The Javascript-less form is ok. I ended up using the english
version, which works ok with Javascript.

I don't know if other languages are affected.

Sébastien Duthil