> https://gitlab.com/spriver/tails.git
> branch: de_accessibility
> HEAD commit: c52f4e7 Translated new strings, unfuzzied and rephrased a bit
> Affected files:
> wiki/src/doc/first_steps/accessibility.de.po
Please review:
branch: review-de_accessibility
HEAD commit: 7b5dd099 - review
A few things that I did:
- Desktop -> Arbeitsumgebung, analog to
https://wiki.gnome.org/de/StandardUebersetzungen (CTRL-F Desktop)
It might actually be necessary to change that at some other places
as well; someone needs to take care of that:
find wiki/src/ -name '*.de.po' -exec grep -Hn -C 1 --color Desktop
'{}' \;
- added more variation to first sentence instead of three times forms
of "unterstützend"
- virtuelle Tastatur -> Bildschirmtastatur
Maybe, also an upstream task could be to change "virtual keyboard"
to "screen keyboard", which is the name/label of the menu.
- some minor rephrasing