intrigeri wrote (06 Jun 2016 12:53:15 GMT) :
> I've tried to address that. Please test on various hardware:
> * Tails 2.4~rc1
> * Tails 2.4 final (that will be out tomorrow)
> * that experimental ISO image:
Scratch that: only one of 2.4 and 2.4~rc1, in addition to the
experimental ISO, is enough.
> Note: I'm asking you to test both 2.4~rc1 and 2.4 because we've
> slightly modified the graphics stack between these two versions, so
> I want to be extra sure that any regression we'll identify is really
> brought by my branch, and not merely by that unrelated change.
These changes will need to be reverted (#11514) so that point is
now moot.