著者: blackflag 日付: To: tails-l10n 題目: Re: [Tails-l10n] (merge) First merge request
On 05/20/2016 08:25 PM, intrigeri wrote: > Hi,
> blackflag wrote (20 May 2016 14:57:14 GMT) :
>> We did our homework (not a citation from our prime minister) so we think
>> we are ready!
> Great!
> Can you please link your team page from
> wiki/src/contribute/how/translate.mdwn, and update the "Other teams
> are being set up" section accordingly? If you prefer I can do
> it myself. Done >
> I see a few new unresolved Git merge conflicts that were committed to
> your branch since last time I've reviewed it. I would have fixed them
> myself if I could, but in this case it's about conflicting Italian
> translations, so I'm afraid that you folks need to handle
> it yourselves.
> That's a blocker for merging, so can you please fix that and resubmit?
> FYI, ./submodules/jenkins-tools/slaves/check_po detects such issues:
> E: ./wiki/src/install/clone.it.po: syntax-error-in-po-file line 8
> E: ./wiki/src/getting_started.it.po: syntax-error-in-po-file line 9
> ... so I encourage you to generalize the use this tool before
> submitting merge requests, to avoid additional back'n'forth and
> delays :) Ok, I will do in future before ask for a merge... I fixed >
> And one last problem: in wiki/src/install/clone.it.po I see a bunch of
> new "translated" [[!inline]] directives, that are inlining _English_
> pages, so any translation in those inlined pages won't be visible to
> the end-user. For example, instead of:
> msgstr "[[!inline pages=\"install/inc/tails-installation-assistant.inline\" raw=\"yes\"]]\n"
> ... you must write:
> msgstr "[[!inline pages=\"install/inc/tails-installation-assistant.inline.it\" raw=\"yes\"]]\n"
> That's the kind of problems I refered to, in more details, in the
> "However, the Documentation homepage was not translated […]"
> paragraph, in my previous review of your branch. These problems are
> not immediately visible, e.g. if the inlined page is not translated
> yet, but one day or the other it's going to bite us. That's not
> a merge blocker in my opinion, but in the future I strongly suggest
> you check that all newly translated [[!inline]] directives work as
> they should :) Ok, we will pay more attention in future ;)