> Have you seen how 1Password does this? You type into the form analogous to the
> 3rd screenshot of yours, below. It has only a lock on it. When you finish typing
> the password and press Enter, the lock animates and moves across the field,
> unlocking itself like a little zipper or something.
> Now that I see the four designs I'm quite worried that the lock and the word,
> when on the same button, are sending conflicting signals. For that reason I also
> prefer 2 and 4. I think 3 could work fine if we took the word off the button as
> 1Password does. (I'm counting the files from the top down.)
While discussing the Tails Server design proposals from segfault, I
remembered that GNOME already has "Unlock" and "Lock" button in
different context and they display as icon the state after the action
has been taken: "open lock with Unlock". See screenshots in attachment.