[RSF] I: Maker Faire Rome 2016 starting now!

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Szerző: pilar castel
Címzett: forumroma@inventati.org
Tárgy: [RSF] I: Maker Faire Rome 2016 starting now!

Da: Maker Faire Rome 2016 <info@???>
Inviato: sabato 5 marzo 2016 03.15
A: pilarcastel@???
Oggetto: Maker Faire Rome 2016 starting now!

Se non leggi correttamente questo messaggio, clicca qui<http://customer63186.musvc5.net/e/r?q=O0%3dE2OA_OYxk_Zi_MlzX_W1_OYxk_YnAN8FA.DeF.DE_OYxk_YnA_Cxau_MCzI7.81KI_OYxk_Yn_MlzX_X1Hn8_Cxau_NA3SDS4Xw_OYxk_YDS_Cxau_NAxQ_Cxau_Mcn0_Cxau_NA3VxCE_MlzX_XyV_9b-S_OYxk_YDS_Cxau_NAxQ_Cxau_Mcj_MlzX_Xy0G9QECV6GH_MlzX_WQU_zvnw_A9AS_zvnw_0a_Cxau_Mc6_MlzX_XyMx_MlzX_WQN0-02-e_zvnw_0aI_OYxk_ZlKG_OYxk_YD7MftsXsU%268%3dQZ9cQ%26A%3d6v8iuPDSkZ.9B2%26O%3dLd9WOd0eTg>


Ci siamo, il percorso che ci porterà nel futuro è iniziato!

Vogliamo raccontarvi , passo dopo passo, il cammino che abbiamo intrapreso per costruire il più grande evento europeo sull’innovazione: la IV edizione di Maker Faire Rome.

Dopo le oltre 100.000 presenze dello scorso anno e gli oltre 650 espositori, Maker Faire Rome – the European Edition torna, come sai, dal 14 al 16 ottobre 2016 alla Fiera di Roma, una location più ampia per rendere la manifestazione più fruibile.

Quest’anno Maker Faire Rome la costruiamo insieme non solo nei contenuti ma anche nelle sue attrazioni più importanti.

Stiamo già raccogliendo le proposte di chi desidera contribuire a rendere la manifestazione indimenticabile attraverso una Call dedicata a progetti di grandi dimensioni o di particolare valore d’intrattenimento: la Call for Big Bang Projects<http://customer63186.musvc5.net/e/t?q=0%3dNT1eN%26C%3d1%26K%3dMZ%26o%3dXNR7f%26C%3d9tQ8_IQzh_Ta_OitP_Yx_IQzh_SfTEN.m836rCs0rB0FmB.wL_rxkq_2C1K_rxkq_2Cu2lI-xFr-918-b868-pO7Ae8s2a0BJ_rxkq_2C%26v%3dDuPD45.KwK>.

Come sempre le scuole italiane ed europee avranno ampio spazio per esporre i propri progetti innovativi.

C’è tempo fino al 20 maggio per presentare proposte attraverso la Call for Schools<http://customer63186.musvc5.net/e/t?q=8%3dBVIcB%26E%3dI%26I%3dAb%267%3dVBTOd%261%3dABOv_KixV_Vs_MWvh_Wl_KixV_UxR3P.56q80AgB00xH50.kN_0vYs_JAoM_0vYs_JAi44G-lH0-NiA7JrL_0vYs_J6g4sA%26j%3dFCN26M.IkM>.

E ad aprile l’evento più atteso dal mondo maker: la Call 4 Makers. Tutti potranno presentare progetti e proposte da esibire.

Qualche idea?

Domotica, ri-uso, droni e robot, stampa 3D, manifattura digitale, industria 4.0, internet delle cose, tecnologia applicata ai mezzi di trasporto, alla cucina, alla moda, alla musica…
Questi sono solo alcuni dei temi che Maker Faire Rome 2016 vuole rappresentare, far conoscere e sperimentare al pubblico di tutte le età. Senza dimenticare i “kids” che attendono l’evento per prendere possesso degli oltre 5.000 mq a loro dedicati nei quali imparare, sperimentare e giocare con il futuro.

Scopri. Inventa. Crea. Il futuro lo trovi a Make Faire Rome 2016. #MFR16

Vieni a trovarci nel nuovo sito www.makerfairerome.eu<http://customer63186.musvc5.net/e/t?q=5%3dBT0ZB%26C%3d0%26F%3dAZ%26x%3dSBRFa%261%3d933g2jLv_IZuV_Tj_JWtY_Tl_IZuV_SoO3N.v3q618g017xFv7.kL%26m%3dE1J55A.EnL>.

The path that will lead all of us into the future has begun!

We wish to tell you - step by step - the route we have started to build the largest European event on innovation: the fourth edition of Maker Faire Rome.

This year, after the success of the 2015 edition (100k presence and over 650 exhibitors), we expect loads of inventions and attractions from all over the world.

The Maker Faire Rome 2016 will run from 14 to 16 October 2016 at Fiera di Roma: a larger and more comfortable venue.

We would like to build Maker Faire Rome together with you, and not just in terms of content but also in terms of its major attractions. In fact, we would be very pleased to receive proposals from anyone wishing to help us make this event unforgettable via The Call for Big Bang Projects<http://customer63186.musvc5.net/e/t?q=8%3dHaLcH%26J%3dL%26I%3dGg%260%3dVHYRd%267%3dFEO2_Plxb_av_Mc1k_Wr_Plxb_Z1R9U.86wCCAmGC04M80.qS_Cvex_MAqL_Cvex_MAo97G-rMC-7uE-w6zE-AM1Hz6m9v86Q-zI_4ynu_DD%26y%3dH7QG8G.LzO>.

The Call for Schools is open to educational institutions belonging to the countries of the European Union (Level 3 /14-18 years of age). A jury will pick 55 of the most innovative projects which will be hosted during Maker Faire Rome 2016 inside an area dedicated entirely to schools.

The deadline for submitting proposals is May 20 Call for Schools<http://customer63186.musvc5.net/e/t?q=A%3dAX8fA%26G%3d8%26L%3d0d%26v%3dYAVDg%26z%3dC1Ru_MX1U_Xh_PVxW_Zk_MX1U_WmU2R.t9p0yDfDyCwJtC.jP_yyXu_9DjI_yyXu_9Dh6sJ-kJy-QhCvMqN-9_PVxW9f6h_Zk%269%3dtSxQjc.s01>.

In April the Call 4 Makers will be launched. Each and every one of you can present projects and proposals to be shown.

What we are looking for for?

Home automation, re-use, drones and robots, 3D printing, digital manufacturing, industry 4.0, the internet of things, technology applied to transportation, to cooking, fashion, music and whatever your fantasy can imagine “Because nothing is as good as you can imagine it. Nothing is as exciting as your fantasy.”Chuck Palahniuk.

For those kids who are craving for the event to come, there will be over 5,000 square meters dedicated to them in which they will unleash their longing for experimentation and playing with the future.

Discover. Invent. Make. The future happens only at Make Faire Rome. # MFR16

Come and visit our website www.makerfairerome.eu<http://customer63186.musvc5.net/e/t?q=3%3dDXLXD%26G%3dL%26D%3dCd%260%3dQDVRY%263%3dCE1i6vJx_MlsX_Xv_HYxk_Rn_MlsX_W1M5R.81s0C6iDC5zJ85.mP%26y%3dC3NG3C.IzJ>.

[Facebook] <http://customer63186.musvc5.net/e/t?q=8%3dRVKcR%26E%3dK%26I%3dQb%269%3dVRTQd%26G%3dAD6w4uOBL_Bvos_M6_Dtmu_N9_Bvos_LAIPG.Aw6y7AH5.8AF_Bvos_LAi450DiuDD8lJ98%26x%3dHGLF8Q.GyO>
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Cancella iscrizione<http://customer63186.musvc5.net/e/r?q=Rp%3dDFRq_Nm1Q_Yw_PRyl_Zg_Nm1Q_X2D47TD.tdT.Gu_Nm1Q_X2D_swox_3BAMv.7ENy_Nm1Q_X2_PRyl_ag_Nm1Q_XRV_swox_40BT_swox_3bR_PRyl_aeJLQzTJ908_DyTv_NdeH_DyTv_OBtW_DyTv_Nd5Bx_PRyl_aeSJV.7EV_PRyl_aebId_sLKg4QA_PRyl_ZgQOQ2_Nm1Q_YwS4THU9b7wzYGS1OFdw_VLcotYtN%269%3dRa2dR%26B%3dnQETda.0Cu%26P%3dMd6fQb3eNh> | Unsubscribe<http://customer63186.musvc5.net/e/r?q=Rp%3dDFRq_Nm1Q_Yw_PRyl_Zg_Nm1Q_X2D47TD.tdT.Gu_Nm1Q_X2D_swox_3BAMv.7ENy_Nm1Q_X2_PRyl_ag_Nm1Q_XRV_swox_40BT_swox_3bR_PRyl_aeJLQzTJ908_DyTv_NdeH_DyTv_OBtW_DyTv_Nd5Bx_PRyl_aeSJV.7EV_PRyl_aebId_sLKg4QA_PRyl_ZgQOQ2_Nm1Q_YwS4THU9b7wzYGS1OFdw_VLcotYtN%269%3dRa2dR%26B%3dnQETda.0Cu%26P%3dMd6fQb3eNh>
