[Tails-project] February Report


著者: Muri Nicanor
To: tails-project
題目: [Tails-project] February Report

i've compiled a february report:

please go over it and look
a) for stuff that has no place in the report
b) for stuff that is wrong
c) for stuff that is missing

i wasn't able to fill the following sections:
* Code: List important code work that is not covered already by the
Release section
-> there was nothing that i could not put in any of the other sections

* Infrastructur: In February XXX ISO images were automatically built and
tested by our continuous integration infrastructure.
-> tell me who to ask and i'll ask and document that

* Funding:
-> tell me who to ask and i'll ask and document that

* Metrics:
-> tell me who to ask and i'll ask and document that

it took me around 90 minutes to do that, the howto
(blueprint/monthly_report/) was a HUGE help, thanks a lot for compiling
that. having the emails of tails-dev, tails-ux and tails-project in
thunderbird (instead of relying on the online archives) also helps a lot
and by lurking in the tails-dev room it gets also easier i think ;)

ps: i've merged future and past events.