[Tails-ux] User Profiles

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Lähettäjä: Spencer
Vastaanottaja: tails-ux
Kopio: tails-dev
Aihe: [Tails-ux] User Profiles

Copying tails-dev once for the record.

I filled out some of the ticket [0] and linked to it from the blueprint

It feels like the blueprint should contain the personas and the ticket
should contain the development structure and logic behind the personas.

I will continue to add stuff once I re-sift through everything we have
so far.

In the meantime, let's add and subtract from the list of User Profile
elements to get started:

- Name
- Age
- Gender
- Cultural Background
- Lifestyle Preference
- Family Status
- Social Status
- Personal Network
- Public Network
- Education
- Occupation
- Income
- Geographic Location
- Geographic Description
- Life Motivation
- Political Opinions
- Cultural Opinions
- Social Opinions
- Behavioral Values
- Activities
- Diet
- Attire
- Personal Accessories
- Home Products
- Furniture
- Transportation
- Services
- Devices
- Software
- Internet Use


[0]: https://labs.riseup.net/code/issues/10471#change-51392
[1]: https://tails.boum.org/blueprint/personas/