[Tails-dev] Porting Tails to Debian Stretch

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Assumpte: [Tails-dev] Porting Tails to Debian Stretch

Me and intrigeri have deviced a plan for how we will deal with
the migration to Debian Stretch, with the details being available
in this blueprint:


In short, we do not want to repeat the way we did Jessie
migration -- we think we can do better! The idea is to leverage
our up-coming freezable APT repo [0] to take snapshots of Debian
Testing (= Stretch) and have sprints to put Tails into shape
around these snapshots regularly, without the delta growing too
big neither against Debian Stretch or Tails/Jessie. We will also
use this experiment as a benchmark for the idea to make Tails
into a semi-rolling release based on Debian Testing, which is
pretty exciting!

This is an early notice for this plan draft. Our hopes is that
more people will get involved this time, for a more collective
effort. We are in particular looking for one person to be
responsible for the documentation-side of things, since we feel
keeping it sort-of up-to-date will help us identify regressions

Regarding timelines, the freeze for Debian Stretch will be in
early December, so the work has to start early enough so issues
can be identified and fixed before that (post-freeze fixes are
generally much harder). Due to other committments me and
intrigeri will not be able to start this until some time early
August, which will give us almost four months for this work
before the Stretch freeze. We intend to kickstart this effort
with a sprint where we meet face to face, and other participants
will of course be welcome.

So please let us know if you are interested in joining this
effort, and please also try to keep your excitment in check so
some of it remains in six months when this work will start for
real! :)


[0] https://tails.boum.org/blueprint/freezable_APT_repository/