Re: [Tails-l10n] (review)[de] change enumeration

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Lähettäjä: Muri Nicanor
Vastaanottaja: tails-l10n
Vanhat otsikot: Re: [Tails-l10n] (pull)[de] Installation Assistant: Other Linux
Uudet otsikot: Re: [Tails-l10n] (pull)[de] change enumeration
Aihe: Re: [Tails-l10n] (review)[de] change enumeration

On 02/07/2016 02:43 PM, sajolida wrote:
> Also, I was wondering why you used a word instead of a number in:
> msgid "1 hour to install"
> msgstr "Eine Stunde zum Installieren"
> You are the German translators so it's really up to you and I don't want
> to interfere in your decision, but I was wondering whether this was more
> of a personal choice of style or whether using numbers in such context
> looks weird in German? Different languages have different typographic
> and style convention and I'm interested in learning them.
> We decided to use numbers in English because here we are in a list
> enumerating needs (facts) and numbers are probably faster to scan (for
> example if you compare the needs between two scenarios) and take less
> space. Also some scenarios require ¼, ½, or 1½ hour.

i think you're right- i was used to only use the words because i mostly
write german documentation without enumeration. and i learned that the
numbers from one to twelve should be written as words, which is
apparently not the case anymore today (but its still usual to do so i

i've created a branch changing the words to numbers, please, dear german
translators, review: de_change-enumeration
[de_change-enumeration 4ffbdf0] changed the type of enumeration to numbers
