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Auteur: Sara Zanisi
À: Sulle fonti orali e il loro utilizzo in storiografia e scienze sociali
Sujet: [Storiaorale] Fwd: [Rivistoriantago] Fwd: [MailingList SIS] RICHIESTA ADESIONE LETTERA ALLE AUTORITÀ EGIZIANE
Da sottoscrivere e far circolare

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: <eros.francescangeli@???>
Date: 2016-02-08 9:37 GMT+01:00
Subject: [Rivistoriantago] Fwd: [MailingList SIS] RICHIESTA ADESIONE
To: Rivistoriantago <rivistoriantago@???>

Con preghiera di diffusione

-------- Original Message --------
Date: Sun, 7 Feb 2016 21:21:40 +0000
From: Lucia Sorbera <lucia.sorbera@???>
To: "mailinglist@???" <

Care colleghe e amiche,

Vi scrivo in questi giorni per me e per molti di noi di un dolore
indicibile, per chiedervi se potreste considerare di sottoscrivere la
lettera che Maha Abderrahman, supervisor di Giulio Regeni a Cambridge, e
Anne Alexander, esperta di movimenti sociali in Egitto, hanno scritto alle
autorità egiziane. Abbiamo già raccolto 6000 firme, di cui circa 600 di
accademici italiani, ma prima di consegnarla al The Guardian (domani) ci
piacerbbe raccogliere anche le vostre.

Di seguito trovate, nell'ordine

1- Il link ad Effimera, che ha pubblicato la traduzione italiana della

2- La versione in inglese

3- Il link attraverso il quale potrete firmare.

Vi pregherei anche di fare circolare con urgenza attraverso i vostri canali
nazionali e internazionali e invitare personalmente più colleghi possibile
a sottoscrivere.

Un caro saluto, con la speranza di sentirvi in tempi migliori



*To be offered to The Guardian and to Italian newspapers for publication
and sent to the Egyptian authorities via the embassies in London and Rome*

As members of the wider academic community of which Giulio Regeni was a
part, we were deeply saddened to learn of his death. Our community has been
enriched by his presence. We are diminished by the loss of a young
researcher whose work tackled questions which are vitally important to our
understanding of contemporary Egyptian society. Our thoughts go out first
of all to his family and friends at this acutely painful moment.

We are appalled to hear prosecutors in Egypt report that there were
extensive signs of torture on his body. Those of us who knew of Giulio's
disappearance before the discovery of his body were desperately concerned
for his safety because he vanished in the midst of a security campaign
which has resulted in mass arbitrary arrests, a dramatic increase in
reports of torture within police stations, and other cases of
disappearances, according to documentation by local and international human
rights organisations. While we welcome the statement by Egyptian Ambassador
to Italy, Amr Helmy, that the Egyptian authorities will fully investigate
Giulio's death, we note that according to Amnesty International, bodies
reporting to the Egyptian Ministry of the Interior and the Egyptian
Ministry of Defence routinely practice the same kinds of torture that
Giulio is reported to have suffered against hundreds of Egyptian citizens
each year.

We therefore call on the Egyptian authorities to cooperate with an
independent and impartial investigation into all instances of forced
disappearances, cases of torture and deaths in detention during January and
February 2016, alongside any ongoing investigations by criminal prosecutors
into Giulio's death, in order that those responsible for these crimes can
be identified and brought to justice.

Dr Anne Alexander (University of Cambridge)

Dr Maha Abdelrahman (University of Cambridge)

Please add your name using the link below, any queries about the open
letter should be sent to justiceforgiulio@??? . In order to verify
your name for publication we may contact you to confirm your signature. All
signatures are in a personal capacity and institutional affiliations are
noted for information only.


Dr. Lucia Sorbera
Senior Lecturer - Arabic, Islamic and Middle East Studies
Department of Arabic Language and Cultures
Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Rm 738, Brennan McCallum Building A18
The University of Sydney NSW 2006 Australia
T +61 2 90367017

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